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SpiceDB Self-Hosted

SpiceDB Self-Hosted is the AuthZed product for running SpiceDB (with enterprise-grade features), operated by your team, on your own premises.

  • Clusters operate in your own production environment inaccessible to anyone else.
  • Your operations team takes point only escalating to experts at Authzed in case of an emergency.
  • Customers are included under security embargo and are provided access to patches before public announcement.

What is included in SpiceDB Self-Hosted?​

SpiceDB Self-Hosted is a collection of entirely optional subscriptions:

  • Gold Support: 24/7 1-hour initial response SLA
  • Silver Support: business-hours 24-hour initial response SLA
  • SRE Tooling: proprietary tools used by the Authzed SRE team to simplify cluster operations
  • Solutions Engineering: 20-hour increments of solutions engineering to aid application integration or SpiceDB feature development

For more information, you can review the pricing page or schedule an introductory call

What is included in the SRE Tooling package?​

Container images for the following:

  • SpiceDB Enterprise: enterprise builds of SpiceDB
    • LTS Support
    • Early access to security patches
    • Upcoming enterprise-only functionality
  • Playground: development environment powering
    • Privately share schemas with coworkers knowing that the contents are private to your organization
    • Supports S3-compatible storage services
  • Thumper: Load generator for monitor and performance testing
    • Mimics production workloads by executing API calls sequences with weights and a target query rate
    • Powers the metrics behind

Downloading SRE Tooling​

The SRE Tools are made available via the authzed-enterprise GitHub organization as container images stored in the organization's registry.

Images are signed using cosign, storing a signature of their digests alongside the image in the registry. They are also published publically to the rekor transparency log operated by the Linux Foundation's security-focused foundation, the OpenSSF. You can read more about keyless container signing and verification in the cosign documentation.


  • SpiceDB
    • PostgreSQL datastore
  • Environment
    • Kubernetes 1.24+
      • 3 4-vCPU Nodes
      • Project Contour Ingress 1.19+
      • Certmanager 1.6+


  • SpiceDB
    • CockroachDB or Cloud Spanner datastores
  • Environments
    • Kubernetes 1.24+
      • 3 4-vCPU Nodes
      • Project Contour Ingress 1.19+
      • Certmanager 1.6+